QBCC Annual Reporting
Our assurance team assist clients in meeting their reporting requirements for Queensland Building & Construction Commission Licenses.
We are Accepted Independent Accountants as required by the QBCC and assist clients with the preparation and submission of QBCC Annual Reporting requirements.
We regularly assist clients in a range of differing financial categories from SC1 (Revenue up to $200,000 NTA $12,000) through to Category 7.
Where necessary our team can assess the financial risks of a Deed of Convenant and Assurance in conjunction with an experienced legal professional.
Whilst the deadline for Annual Reporting submissions to the QBCC was 31 December 2021 it is still a requirement for you to lodge your Annual Report. Non lodgement could mean suspension or cancellation of your license and for you to be unable to complete current contractors or take on any new contracts while your license is suspended.
Contact our Assurance Team today to discuss preparation and submission of QBCC Annual Reporting Requirements.