Builders and Tradespeople
Whether you are a Tradesperson just about to go out on your own as a Sole Trader, an experienced Builder, or a large Construction Company - we can assist you.
Our Business Advisory team assist Builders, Tradespeople & those in the Construction game to protect their assets, simplify the accounting function of their businesses & ensure they are legally minimising their tax affairs.
For Tradespeople, Builders & Constructions companies there are several 'additional loopholes' the Australian Government makes businesses go through to protect the Australian public from undesirable operators. Meeting your legal obligations is not as easy as just setting up your company structure, preparing your Annual Accounts & Tax Return and lodging your Business Activtiy Statement on time. There are additional obligations required for those in these industries and such red tape comes in the form of Construction Commissions such as the Queensland Building and Construction Commission, Building Professional Board & Fair Trading New South Wales. In addition to these governing bodies the Australian Taxation Office also requires additional lodgement from those in the Building and Construction Industry in the form of Taxable Payments Annual Reports and tend to have additional scrutinity for businesses in this segment.
At GMD Advisory we can assist you by preparing, lodging and simplifying your legal obligations. We commonly converse with third parties including ASIC, the ATO & QBCC to assist our clients & their businesses with meeting their compliance requirements.
We assist clients with the uptake of modern technolodgies in the form of payment gateways to ensure they can collect payments for invoices faster & Xero accounting software application add ons such as Tradify, Co-construct & Buildxact.
For more information or to meet with one of our Accountants & Advisors contact our office to arrange a free consultation to see how we can help you & your business.