Annually our audit team undertake over 30 external examinations of Queensland based Law Practice Trust Accounts. During the audit season our team travel across South East Queensland working with Principals and Practice managers to undertake year end trust account audits to ensure compliance with the Legal Profession Act 2007 & Legal Profession Regulations 2017.
Why appoint GMD as your External Examiner this year?
1. Our audit team are highly skilled & 100% independent.
2. Our team have considerable commercial knowledge in a range of legal practice software solutions including Leap Legal, Smokeball, Open Practice, Action Step, Comparto & LawMaster.
3. External examinations are performed by our one of our Practice Partners in association with qualified & experienced Chartered Accountant auditors, not junior staff.
4. Our audit team attempt to go beyond just performing an annual audit & publishing an External Examination Report to the QLS. We assess law practices internal controls and endevour to promote best practice procedures to our legal firm clients to improve trust account procedures.
5. We have developed a standardised pricing structure for Queensland based Law Practices providing legal firms with transparency in regards to our professional service fees and further ensuring our independence.
What are the steps to engage GMD as your auditor?
1. Contact our team via email or on 07 5628 0112 to discuss your current trust account software, practice and audit requirements.
2. We will then email to you for review a fixed price quotation for audit services. Should this be accepted we will then prepare the QLS Form 31 notifying the QLS of our appointment as your external examiner.
3. Our team will contact your firms Partner and/or practice manager to arrange a suitable date and time to come to your premises and undertake the external examination testing.
Fixed Cost Annual External Examinations
For the audit period ending 31 March 2024 for law firms administering a Queensland based law practice trust account we offer fixed price annual external examinations services.
Contact our audit team via email or 5628 0112 and for confirmation of our 2024 Fixed Price Trust Account Audit Fees.
Any questions?
Feel free to contact our team on 5628 0112 or via email.