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Credit Card Information

If you choose to pay for a service or product using the secure credit card payment facility available at this site you will be asked to provide your credit card details, your name and your email address. These details are required so that we can finalise your payment and provide you with a receipt.

We protect the security of your credit card information in every online transaction by using the latest online security methods:

  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, encrypts information you input from your computer to our servers. For details on our SSL certificate, when on the payment page click on the pad-lock icon on the bottom left of screen .
  • GMD Advisory does not store credit card details. All transactional data is stored on a secure site hosted by SecuerPay.
  • Our servers are state-of-the-art and located in Sydney, Australia.

GMD Advisory will not make an attempt to identify users or their browsing activities. However, in the unlikely event of an investigation, a law enforcement agency or other government agency may exercise its legal authority to inspect our Internet Service Provider’s logs.

Refund Policy

We note that any payments made via the online credit card payment facility are non-refundable.

Gold Coast, Qld —
71  Davenport St
Southport QLD 4215


DISCLAIMER: The work performed BY GMD ADVISORY for you is undertaken in accordance with the Tax Agent Services Act 2009. The Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024 requires us to make the following disclosures: 1) There have been no matters that could significantly influence your decision to engage us for Tax Agent Services since REPORTING REQUIREMENTS BEGAN ON 1 July 2022. 2) To provide Tax and BAS services, an agent must be registered. The Tax Practitioners Board maintains a register of tax and BAS Agents that can be accessed and searched on The TPB PUBLIC REGISTER 3) If you have a complaint about our service, you can take the following steps to resolve this situation: i) Please contact the individual working with you first with all details of your complaint by email. ii) If they cannot resolve your complaint within 5 business days, please escalate this matter by email to OUR DIRECTORS – MATTHEW DICKER AND MEGAN SCHMIDT WHO will attempt to resolve your complaint within 10 business days. iII) If you are unhappy with our proposed outcome, you can then ESCALATE YOUR complaint to the Tax Practitioners Board.

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